
Look into my eyes... my EYES

Close up cuts of "The Face of Time" by Aurora Molina 

   One of the many reasons I started studio LMNOQ was not only to realize my own ideas by experimenting and making prototypes but to open a place where I can help local artists and designers achieve their own concepts. Well it's been a fun week of collaboration and exploration with some very talented friends. And the first one I would love to tell you about is the super talented Aurora Molina and her cool project.

Finishing the clock on the scroll saw

   I've been working with Aurora Molina on producing her soon to open exhibition in Miami when she mentioned that she's been looking for a new time piece for the wall of her studio.  I asked, why not design your own clock. Design it in your own style; an interpretation based upon your current new work.  She loved the idea.  So, I pulled out some 1/4" maple ply and she pulled out a pencil and we went at it.  And after some hours of her sketching and me cutting... "he" was born, "The Face of Time".  I think our result is amazing, fun and totally Aurora. 

Finished piece awaiting paint and a better wall to hang on 

   Notice some of the details.  Each eye is a separate measurement of time; hour and minutes.  Also, every line on his face and hands is cut out so when the piece is painted, the surface lines will still stand out, adding depth and a little texture.  Aurora was totally exited about the piece and so was I.  So, what do you think? 


"BLOK" a 50 pound riddle...

"BLOK" Doorstop manning the door @ studio LMNOQ

  What's black and white and weighs 50 pounds?  "BLOK", thats what.  One of the problems I've had from the first day I moved studio LMNOQ into it's new space was that the large glass entry doors that came with the space would slam shut at the mere hint of a breeze.  So, "BLOK" was born.  A twelfth century concept meets twenty first century design made from a pre-historic material.  Has anyone guessed from the above pic what the material might be?  If you guessed cement... you would be wrong my friend.  I'll share the answer to this riddle later.  What I will tell you is that I have a huge respect for this newly rediscovered material and I'm trying to incorporate it in some form or another into my product line.  In it's current design state it's a bit raw and limiting as a potential seller.  How many people really need a 50 pound doorstop?  But, keep an eye out for further developments on this concept.

Clue: It's lickable... 

Clue:  **** N Pepa...

I know you figured it out... It's SALT!  In northern United States, people know it as a salt lick for animals.  While in the south we use it to soften our hard water and help regulate the salt level in saltwater pools and now it's a doorstop. And yes, it does weigh 50 pounds. Cool right!? 


Making "NO Time" for clients...

"NO Time" wall clock @ studio LMNOQ 

  Last month I was commissioned to design a wall clock for a local South Florida graphic design office.  The only criteria was that the design had to be simple so it would work well with their white minimalist interior and still function as a clock with a numerical time face.  Well, what do you think?  After several dozen pencil sketches, (call me old school, but I still love sketching with a good pencil), I worked out a solution to represent the telling of time in a graphically simple yet slightly abstracted manner.  I kept as much of the numerals off the face of the clock, isolating them around the edge to emphasis the center area and graphically build tension along the outer edge.  This gives the clock a greater sense of scale.  The clock visually feels larger then its 18"x 18" dimensions.  Well the client loved the piece and it's currently hanging telling time, in the main space of their offices.  I'm currently working on a version of the design where the numerals continue to wrap around to the sides of the clock. I'll update you with pics when its completed and available to purchase.

"NO Time" wall clock hanging with the POX coat rack and wall hooks