"BLOK" Doorstop manning the door @ studio LMNOQ
What's black and white and weighs 50 pounds? "BLOK", thats what. One of the problems I've had from the first day I moved studio LMNOQ into it's new space was that the large glass entry doors that came with the space would slam shut at the mere hint of a breeze. So, "BLOK" was born. A twelfth century concept meets twenty first century design made from a pre-historic material. Has anyone guessed from the above pic what the material might be? If you guessed cement... you would be wrong my friend. I'll share the answer to this riddle later. What I will tell you is that I have a huge respect for this newly rediscovered material and I'm trying to incorporate it in some form or another into my product line. In it's current design state it's a bit raw and limiting as a potential seller. How many people really need a 50 pound doorstop? But, keep an eye out for further developments on this concept.
Clue: It's lickable... |
Clue: **** N Pepa...
I know you figured it out... It's SALT! In northern United States, people know it as a salt lick for animals. While in the south we use it to soften our hard water and help regulate the salt level in saltwater pools and now it's a doorstop. And yes, it does weigh 50 pounds. Cool right!?